Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Opening Your Home

Recently, God has laid it on my heart to open my home to family and friends. 
He has given me one of the most widely known verses to ponder 
how I can use my home to serve the Lord.

Joshua 24:15

 To be honest,  I have come up with every excuse imaginable. Some of the excuses have included: my home's not good enough, I need to complete a long list of home renovation projects before I invite anyone over, people will judge me if my house isn't immaculate.....and the list goes on and on. 

So, why am I so hung up on opening my home? I honestly think it's the devil telling me that my home isn't good enough. He is worried of the good that might come of it, the relationships that could be strengthened and the new friendships that could be forged. 
He is scared of the good that could come to God's Kingdom.

Well, I am saying enough is enough. I know that God has given me special gifts and talents and one of the ways I show people I care is by cooking for them. 

I have decided that each month, I am going to strive to invite someone to our home. Sometimes, it might just be one or two people or sometimes it could be a large group. 

The point is, I want to listen to who the Lord is asking me to reach out to.

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